
Three's A Crowd

$120.00 - $2,500.00

Image of Three's A Crowd Image of Three's A Crowd Image of Three's A Crowd Image of Three's A Crowd Image of Three's A Crowd

It fascinates me to watch the bachelor stallions spar with each other. They are all boy in their play. There is usually one that is the antagonizer, and in this case it was the sorrel in the image. Most times when I go out there is a point in the day in which the herd settles and rests and it gets so quiet you could hear a pin drop. And then you will hear a squill, and nap time is over. This particular day it was the sorrel horse that squealed and decided it was play time. He decided the other two horses in the pic were going to be his entertainment and continued bugging them until they had no other choice but to fight with him. It got pretty intense and serious for a minute as they battled it out. And then the grey horse in the front decided he had enough and checked out. He started running my way so fast I had to duck out of his way. I felt lucky to be in the right spot, at the right time.

I had it printed out on metal for my wife to hang in our front room. It sure stands out and grabs your attention.