

$120.00 - $2,500.00

Image of Yin&Yang Image of Yin&Yang Image of Yin&Yang

I’ll never forget this day as long as I live. Thinking back, I can't even really remember why I wanted to photograph wild horses; I just know that I did. I might have seen images that sparked my intrigue or might have had conversations with people that had been out to see them and had told me how neat it was. I half hearted started to go out to the desert now and then to look for them. I had no idea where to look besides areas a guy from the BLM that I knew had told me to look. After four or five times of going out and only seeing a horse or two, this day was going to be different.

As I was driving around, I could see a grey horse walking along the road in front of me. When I got closer, I started to recognize him from social media posts of wild horse accounts I follow, and It was the “Old Man” I was beginning to get excited, hoping he would lead me to more. He didn't disappoint. I felt like what I witnessed next was like a scene from a movie. I crested a hill, and on the other side were no less than two hundred horses in a green meadow grazing along doing what wild horses do. I almost couldn't believe what I was seeing.

The magic of the desert has had me hooked ever since!